My parents kicked me out for getting pregnant. My boyfriend broke up with me. Knowing my little angel has clothes, keeps me strong.

— Shamika, age 15

My husband lost his job as a janitor. These baby clothes are a gift from God that will allow us to buy her food.

— Claudia and Ernesto

Over nine thousand babies will be born into poverty in the United States, this year. With your support, Loved Twice could reach out to every one of them with warmth, and with hope.



Clothing Newborns in Need


Loved Twice provides a year’s worth of clothing for at-risk newborns. Our nonprofit collects gently used baby clothing by partnering with local businesses, schools and community groups to host clothing drives. Additional clothing is donated through drop-off sites at businesses and from the excess inventory of children’s consignment stores.

Each year, we are grateful to receive 800,000+ essential garments. They are packed into “wardrobes-in-a-box” in that each box contains enough clothing to keep a baby warm and clean through their first year of life.

All of our clients live below 200% of the national poverty level. The majority are single mothers and are uninsured. 100% of our clothes are distributed free of charge via licensed social workers. Read more about our journey.

Our Progress, So Far:


Wardrobes in a box distributed
to low income babies


Essential garments distributed to underserved communities


Value of garments distributed to newborns-in-need


Pounds of baby clothes reused keeping America’s infants warm


Social service partnerships



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