So many ways YOU can help
Loved Twice relies on the help of volunteers to operate, your time and contributions are invaluable to us. If you are interested in any of the opportunities below, please send an email to telling us about yourself and how you would like to contribute. Thank you.
We need help with deliveries and corporate events throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. Send us an email at and we will add you to our volunteer network.
Do you have time during the weekday to deliver baby clothes? We need you! We are looking for a dedicated volunteer to help on a consistent basis.
You can do it! It’s a fun and easy community service project. Simply send an email to your network (work, friends, daycare, church, etc…) telling them you are collecting baby clothes in sizes 0-12 months to help newborns-in-need. Deliver them to a local organization in your neighborhood and let us know how it went.
Have your company sponsor a baby clothing sorting event. Your organization supplies a team of volunteers, financial support, and can even deliver the baby clothes to a hospital after the event. It’s great PR and helps the local community. Companies will have their commitment to the community celebrated via our newsletter, website, and on social media.
Are you a talented writer with a knowledge of MailChimp? We are looking for someone to write four newsletters a year.
Your generous donation to Loved Twice could be matched, dollar-for-dollar! HOW? You can increase the reach of your donation by asking your HR department to help in three ways:
- Employee Gift Matching: Many companies provide dollar-for-dollar matching for the charitable contributes made by their employees. To apply for a matching grant with your company, ask your HR department about their corporate matching program. If matching is available, it usually requires filling out a short form to request the match. Every dollar ensures that Loved Twice can continue clothing babies in need.
- Payroll Deductions Grants: Are you always in a rush to make your non-profit donations before tax seasons? Spread out your contributions using payroll deductions to spread out aid across the year. Contact your HR department to get instructions on adding Loved Twice and to further expand your reach, be sure to request corporate matching for your dollars. Just $50 a month, will provide hundreds of warm onesies directly to newborns in need.
- Volunteer Hour Matching Grants: If you like to show your support through volunteering, you can further maximize your impact in this area! Many companies will grant small funds to organizations that reach certain hour milestones. Contact your company’s HR department to learn more about their participation in such programs.
Information to give to HR: Org Name: Loved Twice, Address: 5627 Telegraph Ave., Suite 375, Oakland, CA 94609, EIN: 94-3441434